HIRLAM workshop on convection and clouds
Tartu, Estonia, 24-26.1.2005

A HIRLAM-ALADIN mini-workshop on convection and cloud processes will
be arranged in January 24-26, 2005 in Tartu, Estonia. The aim of the
workshop is to join HIRLAM and ALADIN-MF people working in the area of
convection and cloud processes to review the state of art, discuss the
strategy, tasks and plans in the way towards explicit convection and
microphysics in fine scale HIRLAM/ALADIN, interactions with the
nonhydrostatic dynamics. Guests from groups using and developing the
UKMO, COSMO and other NWP models are very welcome to participate in
the workshop.
The following topics related to the present state of the convection
and cloud parametrizations and the future resolved convection and
explicit microphysics formulations are suggested for discussion:
- Interactions between shallow convection and moist turbulence
- Parametrized and explicit deep convection
- Development of explicit microphysics for fine scale models
- Validation methods for convection, clouds and precipitation
- Case studies with hydrostatic and nonhydrostatic models
The workshop will start in the morning of Monday, January the 24th,
and end around midday of Wednesday, January the 26th. Extendend
abstracts of the workshop presentations will be published as a
workshop report: printed as HIRLAM/NetFAM workshop report and in web.
Printed report (pdf, 7 MB)
Final version 4.5.2005
Workshop announcement
Programme of the workshop with links to the presentation files and extended abstracts (2.5.2005)
List of participants
The workshop was arranged in the framework of Nordic Network on Fine-scale
Atmosperic Modelling funded by NordForsk(former NorFA).
Department of Environmental
Physics, University of Tartu
contact Marko Kaasik, mkaasik at
International HIRLAM-6 project
contact Laura Rontu, laura.rontu at fmi.fi