(Last update June 10, 2004 / Markku
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Mast verification page
Plots show comparison of mast measurements with weather model
forecasts. Presently, left frame contain forecasts from the operational
Hirlam (RCR) model run by FMI and Arpege model of Meteo France. Plot
legends for the forecasts are of the form "XXX m/nn", where XXX denotes the model, m is model run time as days from
present day midnight, and nn
is the run hour. Measurements are denoted with abbreviation OBS.
The time interval in the plots spans 2.5 -3 days, starting from 2
days backwards from present day midnight and reaching as far as data is
available. First 24 hours from 00 and 12 forecasts are plotted. The
plotting takes place with 1-2 hour intervals. With other masts than
Sodankylä, the measurements cover only the two previous days.
These other masts are plotted for Sodankylä only.
The actual measurement heights vary somewhat with masts, whic must
be considered when looking at the plots. At the top of each picture,
there is a legend showing the measurement heights. Also the parameters
plotted in the graphs vary; from other masts than Sodankylä, only
temperatures, relative humidity and wind speed are available.
Temperature 1
Temperature at the lowest level in the mast compared to model 2m
("screen height") temperature.
Temperature 2
Temperature at a higher level in the mast compared to lowest model
level temperature. In ARPEGE plots, produced as by a linear
interpolation between the two last levels (heights about 16m and 62 m).
Difference between temperatures 1 and 2, an indicator of the surface
Relative humidity at the lowest level in the mast compared to model 2m
("screen height") relative humidity..
Wind speed
Wind speed in the mast compared to forecast 10 m wind speed. In
Kivenlahti plots, the second observation line ("OBS Corr") shows
roughly corrected observation (correction based on measurements made
with a new measurement device).
Global radiation
Solar shortwave (global) radiation DOWNwards in the mast compared to
forecast surface radiation.
Long wave radiation upwards
Long wave radiation UPwards measured in the mast compared to the
forecast. In HIRLAM plots, the radiation is calculated from downward
and net long wave radiation.
Sensible heat flux
Sensible heat flux UPwards measured in the mast compared to the
Latent heat flux
Latent heat flux UPwards measured in the mast compared to the forecast.
Evaporation nmeasured in the mast compared to the forecast.
Mmomentum flux
Momentum flux in the mast compared to the forecast.